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2017 Piano Concert Of YunDI, Guangzhou

This is a hearty audio-visual feast.
This is a piano poem by classical music fans.
"Music enriches our spiritual world, spiritual enrichment and growth, better than all matter."--Li Yundi

The rainy weather in Guangzhou in March still can't resist the enthusiasm of fans.

Yundi combines elegance and noisyness, calmness and enthusiasm to create an extraordinary talent. The piano concert will be accompanied by a symphony orchestra concert, and the PLA's first-class audio equipment will stand by the perfect sound of the scene!

PLA Lai Xiao partner assisted Yundi Piano Concert in Guangzhou Station in the Zhongshan Memorial Hall.
【sound system】

PA system: L-Acoustics KUDO, one on each side of the stage + subwoofer with L-Acoustics SB218, one on each side of the stage.

Front fill: L-Acoustics dV-DOSC .

The stage FOH speakers all use L-Acoustics 115XTHiQ 1; the foldback system selects YAMAHA digital mixer P5MD-Rh for band service and singer service.